Volume 1, Issue 7 -- February 21, 2001

One year strong
How did this happen?!

Believe me, it's just as hard for us to comprehend as it is for you that The Whittington Weekly is one year old. Could it be that just 365 days ago we introduced this jagged little pill to the largest college in the Clinton area? Just 12 months ago when we were forced to take the site down I remember feeling that our dreams had been short-lived. Thankfully, that was not the case and here we are now, still kicking. 

During the last year, we've made quite an impact through this web site, and so it's only fitting that we take a stroll through memory lane and look back at our biggest stories from our first six issues. Re-live these controversial events of our college's legacy. Do you remember this stuff?

Issue One
It was coined "The Debut That Rocked The Campus," and rightfully so. Never before had anyone dared examine complex issues such as Computer Science and the irony of Playboy subscription cards at a Baptist college.

Suicide contemplation on campus escalates

Chapel racism?

Issue Two
Perhaps we gained even more attention with our concept of incorporating "Ku Gel" into America's number one game show fad. It still stands today as our most memorable issue.

Final Answer? Kugel Pt.1

Whitt Watch: "Where's the stash?

Issue Three
Unquestionably, our third offering came at a very controversial time during the Spring 2000 semester, and possibly one of the darkest times during our Choctaw legacy. So, naturally, we used this issue to commentate on all of the happenings.

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Joint SGA body votes "no confidence"

Issue Four
The long awaited conclusion of the Kugel saga was finally revealed in our fourth attempt at lightening the mood on campus. In related news, construction on the Quad steps also came to an end.

Final Answer? Kugel Pt.2

Temporary Walkway Abolished

Issue Five
During the long drought of the summer months, we paid a visit to the campus looking for inspiration, anticipating the creation of a mini- issue to tide everyone over. But we only had to go as far as our mailboxes to discover that the story was waiting on us...along with some excessive fines.

Office of Public Safety now online

Office of Bursar takes power

Issue Six
And finally, our triumphant return came at the end of the Fall 2000 semester after a creative lag. The timing just seemed to be right, and there was no way we could pass up making fun of the New Men's flood.

New Men's Nautical Disaster

"Blood drive"

Without question, it has been one heck of a ride. Never in our wildest dreams did we anticipate that the Whitt Weekly would earn this much acclaim and success. And in all honesty, it's only because of you -- the students, faculty and alumni. Without our readers, we would be nothing. So, this convocation is in honor of you. -- Grandmaster Sexay

The above article was intended for parody purposes only.
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