Volume 1, Issue 8 -- SUMMER 2001

Karl Moore responds
Reason for sudden reappearance

In our recent story on Spring Fever Week, we reported on Campus Activities Board chairman Karl Moore's recent reemergence on campus after an extended absence from the public eye. Karl Moore recently contacted the Whittington Weekly to set the story straight and inform the students of his recent whereabouts:

Hi guys,
I just wanted to quickly reply to the article and excuse my presence. While serving as Campus Activities Board Chair, I have done such a poor job that even I could not endure the pervasive boredom of the campus environment. While Spring Fever week provided a brief respite from the norm of sitting on the quad in your grass-stained blue jeans and picking acoustic guitar, I thought that I should attend in order to bask in some of the reflected glory (even though I was unavailable to actually do any sort of work for the week, or any other week, for that matter). I hope the students will forgive me for my cynicism, but they should also understand that my attitudes and behavior are what is demanded of a quality SGA officer at Mississippi College.

Thank you,
Karl Moore
2000-2001 Campus Activities Board Chairperson

There you have it. We thank Mr. Moore for his honesty and cooperation. Your tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. -- Grandmaster Sexay

The above article was intended for parody purposes only.
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