Volume 1, Issue 2 -- April 3, 2000

Final Answer?
Kugel concerned about budget crisis; tries luck with Regis
Several grueling questions later...

Regis:  Well, we’re up to the $32,000 mark. Ku Gel, this one’s important. Are you ready?

Kugel:  Ready as I’ll ever be.

Regis:  Alright, let’s play! 

Regis:  Which of the following won the recent SGA Presidential Election?

A.  George W. Bush
B.  Jonathan Randle
C.  Graham Carner
D.  H. Ross Dudley

Kugel:  Well, Regis, I’m not really into politics.  I try to stay away from that stuff. So, I’ll have to have you take away two of the answers for me.

Regis:  Alright, your second lifeline.  Computer, take away two of the answers for Ku Gel, leaving the correct answer and one wrong answer.

Regis:  There you go.  You’re left with Graham Carner and H. Ross Dudley.

Kugel:  Well, the only thing I can remember about H. Ross Dudley is that he has a
He-Man wallet, so I’m gonna go with C., Graham Carner, on this one.

Regis:  Is that your final answer?

Kugel:  Yes, Regis, that’s my final answer.

Regis:  You got the 32,000! It’s Graham Carner! Now you can keep that $32,000 no
matter how you perform during the rest of the game. The next question’s for $64,000. 

How many fountains on campus are currently working?

A.  none
B.  four 
C.  five
D.  one hundred twelve

Kugel:  Well, let me think.  There’s myself, the one that’s near me in the Piazza.  There’s the one in Jennings and the one on the other side of Nelson Hall.  Now, if I counted all the sprinklers in the Quad, there might be a hundred twelve, but I don’t think you’re asking for those.  So....I’m gonna have to say, B, four of them.

Regis:  You confident about this one?

Kugel:  Yeah, I’m pretty sure.

Regis:  He got it!  Congratulations, that’s $64,000. 

Going now for $125,000.  You’ve got one lifeline left.  Here’s the question.

What campus location do male students refer to as “the promised land?”

A.  Chrestman Hall
B.  the Quad
C.  the Baptist Healthplex
D.  Aven Hall

Kugel:  Well, Regis, many nights I can see a trail of cars heading over toward Chrestman, so I believe Chrestman Hall is the answer.

Regis:  You’re absolutely right!  Ku Gel has earned $125,000. 

Ku, the next question is worth $250,000, and you still have one lifeline remaining.

Kugel:  Regis, at first, this looks like a trick question, but I’m on top of this one.  A pickle comes only if you order a meal -- not if you order Colombo yogurt, mozarella cheese sticks, or a bagel.  There is often a long line, but a long wait is imminent regardless of whether
the line is long or not.  So, with a great deal of certainty, I’m going to say C, a long wait.
Regis:  Well, Ku Gel, you played that one perfectly. The answer is definitely C, a long wait. You’re looking strong, Ku Gel.  You just won $250,000.  How do you feel?

Kugel:  I feel great.  Give me the next question, Rege.

Regis:  Alright, then.  For $500,000.  According to The Whittington Weekly, what aspect of campus life is responsible for an increase in depression among students?

A.  cafeteria food
B.  CSC 114
C.  Whittington Hall
D.  Spring Fever Week

Kugel:  Well, I know it’s not D.  Because I saw a lot of students having a good time on
that velcro wall. I would say cafeteria food, but it’s been here so long that I can’t see it as newsworthy. Whittington Hall seems like the logical answer, but if the Whittington Weekly staff members who live there are still lighthearted enough to poke fun at their institution, maybe that’s not the answer.  Regis, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say B, CSC 114.

Regis:  You don’t sound very confident.  You can still phone a friend.

Kugel:  No, I think I’ve narrowed it down pretty well.  I’m staying with B.

Regis:  Alright. Let’s see how you did.
It’s B! Good work, Ku Gel.  He’s one away from a million. Don’t go away, we’ll be right back!


The above article was intended for parody purposes only. 
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